Wilkes County Schools Summer Program for
East Wilkes Middle School
“Summer Bridge/Career Accelerator Camp”
Who: Rising 6th graders (you will be in 6th grade when school starts in August!)
What: We are planning a two-week summer camp at East Wilkes Middle School. This program will provide enrichment activities for students moving up to EWMS as 6th graders next year. The fun-filled days will help students to learn their way around their new school, meet some of the teachers, get to know their principal, and understand the expectations of EWMS! Also, we will be involved in camp projects and activities that enrich their academic learning and help each student begin to plan for what career they may want to pursue after high school graduation. *Breakfast and Lunch will be provided as well as bus transportation!
Where: East Wilkes Middle School
When: June 13 – June 23, 2022; Monday through Thursday; 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Why: To become better acquainted with your new school and explore possible pathways to graduation!
How: Use this link to apply for the Summer Bridge/Career Accelerator Camp at East Wilkes Middle School:
English Version: https://forms.gle/wG35jmsvc9UxEG1U7
Spanish Version: https://forms.gle/CaqvkpTvX6QvEQHh6
Space is limited and the registration link will close on April 29, 2022 at 5:00 p.m.